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EFI Retrofit on Kolomna D49 Engine


  • LAVINIA E-PPN Injection Control Valve
  • EFI Control MVC 01-20

HEINZMANN has successfully finished the conversion of a Russian TEM-7 locomotive in field use from conventional to electronic fuel injection control.

The challenge:
Conversion of a Russian TEM-7 locomotive in field use from conventional to electronic fuel injection control.

The solution:
By means of HEINZMANN's turnkey solution, fuel consumption of the locomotive was reduced by over 10 % and operating characteristics as well as maintenance requirements were improved. It provides new qualities to conventional mechanical fuel injection systems (PLN). Together with the high-performance MVC 01-20 controller it optimises the combustion process in a map-controlled approach. Smooth engine running, reduced engine loads and improved emissions behaviour are achieved via balanced injection quantities across all cylinders.

Umgerüstete TEM-7 LokomotiveRetrofitted TEM-7 Locomotive

Installiertes E-PPN SystemInstalled E-PPN System

E-PPN ÜbersichtOverview E-PPN System



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High Pressure Pump HDP K3

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Country Link

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TEM-7 Locomotive

EFI Retrofit on Kolomna D49 Engine

HEINZMANN has successfully finished the conversion of a Russian TEM-7 locomotive in field use from conventional to electronic fuel injection control. The electronically actuated E-PPN Injection Control Valve was used to supplement the mechanical fuel injection system of the Kolomna D49 combustion engine.

High Pressure Pump HDP K3

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HXN3B Lokomotive mit MVC 01-20

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ChME-3 6221 and 6831

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E-PPN Ventil

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