EFI Retrofit on Kolomna D49 Engine
- LAVINIA E-PPN Injection Control Valve
- EFI Control MVC 01-20
HEINZMANN has successfully finished the conversion of a Russian TEM-7 locomotive in field use from conventional to electronic fuel injection control.
The challenge:
Conversion of a Russian TEM-7 locomotive in field use from conventional to electronic fuel injection control.
The solution:
By means of HEINZMANN's turnkey solution, fuel consumption of the locomotive was reduced by over 10 % and operating characteristics as well as maintenance requirements were improved. It provides new qualities to conventional mechanical fuel injection systems (PLN). Together with the high-performance MVC 01-20 controller it optimises the combustion process in a map-controlled approach. Smooth engine running, reduced engine loads and improved emissions behaviour are achieved via balanced injection quantities across all cylinders.
Retrofitted TEM-7 Locomotive
Installed E-PPN System
Overview E-PPN System