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HEINZMANN Company Group

HEINZMANN Electric Drives
Robust electric motors

Control & Monitoring

Control & Actuation

HEINZMANN Automation
Marine Automation

Gas & Water Turbine Control

Steam Turbine Control

CPK Automotive
Emission Control

Giro Engineering
Diesel Engine Components

Oil Mist Separators and Blow-by Filter Technology

Optimal control technology for any type of gas engine

As it triggers the combustion process of the air-fuel mixture, the ignition system has major influences on performances and emissions of gas fuelled engines. With PHLOX Ignition Systems HEINZMANN offers complete solutions tailored for all types of gas engines;

All needed components, such as ignition control units, coils, cable harnesses, trigger discs, sensors and spark plugs, are available in an integrated solution.


Ignition Controls



Coils & Rails

Ignition Leads

Speed Sensors

Trigger Discs


PHLOX Ignition Controls

PHLOX Control Units are highly flexible high-energy capacity spark ignition control devices. They are available in 3 versions up to 8, 12 or 16 cylinders. At the top of the family range and for bigger engines with up to 24 cylinders, HEINZMANN offers the IC24 ignition system, based on 2 PHLOX II IC12 in Master-Slave operation

  • Complete system from one source
  • Configurable solution
  • Precise ignition timing
  • High ignition capabilities
  • Hall or inductive pick-ups to
    cover all engine configurations
  • Variable energy level to reduce spark
    plug wear
  • On-board diagnostics for safe operation
  • Sparking process diagnostics
  • Wide temperature range
  • Direct engine mounting

PHLOX Highlights

PHLOX III Ignition Control

Engines operated with higher boost pressures or with the use of biogases and other low calorific gases require higher ignition energies or increased spark durations to avoid a misfiring of the cylinders. Using HEINZMANNs FlexSpark Technology ensures a stable engine operation even in difficult situations and provides the option to increase the engine efficiency.

Technical data

  • Number of cylinders: Up to 8 (IC-08 or IC-08A or IC-08-B), up to 12 (IC-12, IC-12A, IC-12B), up to 16 (IC-16, IC-16A, IC-16B)
  • Power supply: 24 V (12 - 32 V) DC
  • Ambient temperature: -40 … +70°C
  • Engine speed: 30 ... 2.200 rpm
  • Spark duration: 200 ... 1.000 µs
  • Energy level: up to 700 mJ (32 Level)
  • Pick-ups: 2 (Hall oder inductive)
  • Analogue input: 1 (0 … 5 V/4 … 20 mA)
  • Digital input/outputs: 2 (low/high side)
  • Certificates: CE, UKCA, CSA & ATEX on request

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Technical drawing


Engine Types & Applications

Gas Engines

PHLOX II Ignition Control

To reduce spark plug wear, PHLOX II Control Unit offers 32 levels of ignition energy which is automatically set to the required minimum by the use of the AutoSpark function.

Technical data

  • Number of cylinders: up to 8 (IC-08), up to 12 (IC-12, IC-12A, IC-12B), bis zu 16 (IC-16, IC-16A, IC-16B)
  • Power supply: 24 V (12 - 32 V) DC
  • Ambient temperature: -40 … +95°C
  • Engine speed: 30 ... 3.000 rpm
  • Spark duration: 200 ... 600 µs
  • Energy level: 25 … 280 mJ (32 levels)
  • Pick-ups: 2 (Hall or inductive)
  • Analogue Input: 1 (0 … 5 V/4 … 20 mA)
  • Digital Inputs / outputs: 2 (low/high side)
  • Certificates: CE, CSA, UKCA DNV-GL, BV, LR

Engine Types & Applications

Gas Engines

Coils & Rails

High-performance ignition coils with optimised output power and a separate earth connection are the perfect accessories to complement the HEINZMANN PHLOX II ignition control unit. They enable high output voltages when the engine is run continuously and are suitable for temperatures up to 125°C.
On the pre-assembled ignition rails, the coils are mounted directly on the rail. The cables are protected inside the rail profile, ensuring a long service life and reliable operation.

Ignition leads

Spark plug connectors made of high-quality Teflon are resistant to high temperatures and voltages, and offer ideal insulation against sparks.

Speed sensors

Both inductive sensors and Hall sensors are available with different lengths and thread sizes. Thanks to their robust design, inductive sensors are ideal for use in harsh ambient conditions. Compared to inductive sensors, the advantage of Hall sensors is that the output signal is independent of the speed and the distance from the sensor.

Trigger discs

Trigger discs are available in various designs to cover all possible applications.


The DcDesk software is a configuration and visualisation tool for all digital HEINZMANN systems. It comes with all functions for commissioning, monitoring and maintenance/diagnosis.

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