April 2021
HEINZMANN supports Mission 6 of the VDMA campaign #EMission 6.
ON THE WAY TO 2050 with our innovative products and as active member of VDMA:
Today, efficient exhaust gas aftertreatment almost completely eliminates emissions from the combustion of renewable chemical energy carriers – this is what VDMA's Mission 6 says.
More on the VDMA campaign at https://www.emission0.org/en
Find out about HEINZMANN's NOx solution range of products
We cover simple NOx data loggers to extensive SCR controls. Both data logger versions NOx Secure and XIOSSCR Ready monitor and save NOx daily average values in accordance with Art. 44 German Federal Immission Control Act (BlmSchV).

VDMA Campaign #EMission0
(Source: VDMA)

(Source: Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG)
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